S3 API Calls

S3 API Calls

Here are some popular S3 API calls and what they do :-

  • cp : API call which allows you to download object from S3 bucket.

  • get-bucket-policy : S3API based API call which prints out the bucket policy associated with the bucket.

  • ls : API call that lists all the objects present in the S3 bucket.

  • list-objects : S3API based API call which not only lists all the objects present in the S3 bucket, but also lists down the owner ID and various other details about the object

  • get-object-acl : S3API based API call which prints out the ACL of the specified object of a S3 bucket.

  • get-object :S3API based API call which not only downloads the object but also lists down various other information like meta-data associated with the object.

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